Thursday, June 2, 2011

Best Friends

Aren't friends supposed to back you up with everything you do? And when you are in a bad position they try and help you get out of it? Well if thats true then why are so many people being betrayed by their so called best friends? I think its mostly because they either don't want to see you get hurt and they don't know how to fix the situation or its because for us girls our "best friend" just wants to get durt on us so there's a new topic to gossip about in Friends are there to help make life more enjoyable and fun to live. So why are so many of us getting betrayed? Are there really more bad people then there are good? Tell me what you think.


M 'n' M said...

dude, best friends u r supposed to depend on and trust.

mootasha said...

Exactly my piont so why are so many "friends" betraying each other?

Ali Smith said...

Bets Friends worry about eachother thats why there are arguments becuse many times one best friend is worried about hte other and they are changing to much because someone else is replacing them!!

mootasha said...

But no one is replacing my friends so why are my friends starting drama that is unnesisary

Robbie34 said...

Sometimes friends care about each other so much that it turns into arguments. They do not mean for it to turn into arguments but it does. For example, (none of these are derived from anyones name)friends 2 and 3 are worried about friend 1. Friend 1 thinks there is nothing to be worried about to friend 1 gets mad. Friend 2 and 3 just try to get friend 1 to realize. In they end they are all best friends.

mootasha said...

But maybe friend 1 is trying to get friends 2 and 3 to listen to what she has to say and that friends 2 and 3 can trust her but friends 2 and 3 don't beleive her and they still think she's going to do something that she's going to regret. And maybe friends 2 and 3 should listen to friend 1 when she says that she isn't going to do anything with her boyfriend 5.